mardi 15 décembre 2009

Converting Maya's Z-Depth images

You Can Download the video tutorial and the PDF document at :

Open FCheck.

FCheck.exe is found in MAYA/BIN directory.Click File/Open Animation

Here You Move to your folder with Maya's Z-Depth Passes.

I am talking about Maya native ones that are not readable by After Effects .I name my folder ZDepth from Maya.

Next create a folder for exported sequence.Name it properly so you know where to look in compositing process.

Next come the dialog box that says

Set End Frame - you check it and specify the last frame number of your sequence.In my case it's 360.

Zoom Factor Leave it at 1.Same goes for Shrink Factor.

THE LAST IMPORTANT thing is to check Z Buffer on. Otherwise it will crash or not import correctly.This option should be checked only when dealing with Z-Depth maya SEQUENCE.

Click Import and let the fcheck calculate and import.

Fcheck will show your animation time.In my case its about 15 sec.Because i have 360 frames and it is 24 fps.SO if you divide

360/24 = 15 sec .So 15 sec is total sequence time.

YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE TO click on the STOP buttton when you see the duration of sequence come to END.Otherwise it will keep importing and calculating and may CRASH YOUR COMPUTER.So click RED BUTTON when you think it's OVER.

Or you simply look for the F Number which indicate the current frame when it hit your last frame and start again you STOP by clicking stop Button.

Next you have to export the sequence of images so they can be

readable by after effects.I personnaly use Targa files.

They are popular and can be read by any software compositing package.

Click on File/Save Animation.In this box you need to specify

first in File Name channel the name of your sequence files AND

the frame number padding.VERY IMPORTANT.

SO for exemple i have 360 images i just imported and i want to save them.

I will put : myfilename.###.ext .Another important Thing is to put a DOT

beetween filename and padding.

where : myfilname = your sequence file name.

### = frame padding so the animation becomes :

myfilename.001.ext myfilename.002.ext

if not it will name the sequence like this :

myfilename1.ext myfilename2.ext .

.ext = files extension

In my case i put : Gyroscope.###.tga

And last in Save as Type i will choose Targa.

And In the Dos window of Fcheck When you see your last frame

and if it's marked "Done" Then You are DONE.

And then you will be able to import the files into After Effects or other software without a problem. Thanks

2 commentaires:

  1. I watched this tutorial and it was helpful,
    so if you have anyother video tutorials then
    let me know. Even i have lots of tutorials,
    so if you need then reply me.
    maya tutorials

  2. Hello,

    Practical tutorial, I use this technique for a long time. However, MAC, appears not to work. The fcheck not recognized. Iff. Something very weird.

    Any idea?
